Tuesday, March 3, 2015

7 Blessings Vol. 1

We cannot stop thinking of what God has given us. Our hearts need to continually dwell in the foundations of His love. One way that I want to make an effort to recognize the blessings that God has given me, through this tough life on Earth, is to list out those gifts. I challenge you to try it at least once a week, if not every day to make a good list of 7 things that have really made your life meaningful and full. Here is my list for this week:

- Meeting new faces who are passionate about doing God's work.

- Having a husband who is understanding when I am weak.

- Being able to purchase produce at a decent price and eating to my fill.

- Hearing the sound of birds despite the cold winter months.

- Understanding that missing others means I love and am loved.

- The power of sight, it expands my creativity.

- Having the ability to give, it makes me see the blessings more clearly.

- Finding a church family so quickly in a place we started out knowing NO ONE.

It is important to not only feel these blessings that God gives us, it is also good to communicate with others how good He really is. It is not about bragging about how good your life may seem, it is meant to be an encouragement and a way to help others see the perspectives that are all around. We need to help each other. This is one way to do it. :)

*The above photo I took while driving Rt 1 in California during our honeymoon. Awesome views. All you Californians have it good with the scenery.*

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